Sustainable Practices

Our people plant and grow economic value for the benefit of all our stakeholders
Sustainability is the fundamental principle on which HMH was started 70 years ago by Dr Hans Merensky. As an ardent conservationist, humanitarian and visionary he was passionate about sustainability long before it became fashionable, and to this date the Foundation he made possible has continued to promote and assist in the sustainable development of the natural resources of South Africa and to promote research into sustainable agricultural practices.
As the current custodian of these and other assets, HMH works tirelessly to make the founder’s dream a reality, developing innovations ranging from disease-resistant rootstocks and micro-irrigation systems to food-wastage solutions and eco-friendly alternatives to plastic packaging.
The Group continues to strike a careful balance between creating value for shareholders and playing a crucial role in the development and wellbeing of the communities in which it operates. Ensuring the most positive possible impact on the biological and social ecosystems is core to the HMH business model and a key requirement of major shareholders such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC).